Subscribe to our Newsletter

Our newsletter comes out from time to time and brings you news of significant events and topics of interest in the Orthodox bell tradition, and sometimes other articles about bells that we find interesting as well.

Also, each newsletter will feature a "Zvonar's Corner", bringing you tips on some specific practical aspect of bell ringing in the Orthodox tradition.

Join the Blagovest Russian Bells mailing list and receive the Blagovestnik!

Privacy Policy

Here's our privacy policy: We absolutely won't do anything— ever— with the info you provide us, except mail you our newsletter, every so often.

We will not share your info with any third party. For the subscription/unsubscription service and to put the newsletter together, we do use a company called Constant Contact. They are reliable and they guarantee not to use your info for anything but sending you our newsletter either. Here's their privacy policy.

View previous newsletters:

No. 3— Christmas, 2003

No. 2— Pascha, 2003

No. 1— March 7, 2003