Yelena Kiseleva
May, 27 2002
Today the bell-ringer of the Moscow Kremlin and Temple of Christ
the Savior Igor Konovalov opened the second All-Russian exhibition
of bells in the Russian city of Yaroslavl. The old craft
of bell casting is being revived in Russia for about ten years
already after 70-year silence of Russian bells. The exhibition
presents works of bell-founders from the Russian cities of Voronezh,
Tutayev, Kamensk-Uralsky, and Moscow [including, among others,
Pyatkov & Co., ZiL, and Vera LLC, which
are all represented in America by Blagovest Bells].
It is not accidental that Yaroslavl was chosen for the exhibition.
A very old tradition will be soon revived here: Russia's famous
bell casting factory owned by the Olovyanishnikovs and smaller,
but still very significant bell-producing enterprises functioned
here 200 years ago. Thanks to a pre-revolution edition of a book
by Nikolay Olovyanishnikov 'History of bells and the art of bell
casting' the art has been successfully revived by contemporary masters.
Descendants of the merchant still live in Yaroslavl.
Really unique exhibits are presented at the exhibition. For example,
a 200-pood bell (one pood is Russia's old measure of weight that
makes 16,3 kg) made by ten masters from Russian city of Tutayev
within six months. Another large bell was brought to the exhibition
from [Vera LLC of] Voronezh. The two mentioned are the largest
bells presented at the exhibition within past two years.
Many exhibits have already found its new owners right at the exhibition.
Seven bells cast in Kamensk-Uralsky [by the Pyatkov foundry]
will be taken to the nunnery near Poshekhonje in September. There
is not a single bell in the nunnery, although the restoration started
almost a year ago. Other exhibits will be also sent to Russia's
Orthodox Churches as soon as the exhibition ends.
Traditionally, whole communities collect money to have bells
cast, because they are expensive due to their copper and tin
content, and to the complexity of the casting process.
The citizens of Yaroslavl believe that sound of their ancient
bells always call people back home, to the old Russian city
of Yaroslavl.
Translated by Maria Gousseva
The original url of this article is http://english.pravda.ru/culture/2002/05/27/29353.html.
Many thanx to Pravda!